How to Adopt from Ratology Tales
Important Information
Must be read before filling out the adoption application.
Rats that are available for adoption or reservation will be listed in a themed album on my facebook page. You can located that album at the bottom of this page.
The price will be listed in these albums. Please note that my price policies are changing. I am beginning to release rats that I have been working on for years to be friendly and pet placeable. These lines include my aussie mink, chocolate and my frosted line. These will be priced higher than my normal 30$.
I do not place rats into albums until they are 4-5 week old but I do love sharing pictures and videos of rats. Sometimes a rat that is in the video will not be in the litter album. I get first pick of my litters, other breeders will get second pick and then the rest will go up for adoption.
I want to make adopting from Ratology Tales as easy as possible while making sure both parties are protected and understand what is expected from each other. With that in mind, here is a step by step on how to adopt from Ratology Tales.
First step is to fill out the adoption application. The application is pasted below, please copy and paste. The fastest way to get ahold of me is through facebook messenger. Once you have filled out the adoption application, I will message you whether you are approved or not. Sometimes not being approved can change so don't fret if that happens. We can chat and see if there was a misunderstanding.
My liability waiver explains the risks associated with owning pet rats.
Once rats are picked out, I will send you an invoice on PayPal, or we can arrange a cash payment if picked up in a timely manner. Please bring a carrier to bring your new pets home.
Picking up your new rats - I do not deliver or ship at this time. All adoptions take place at the Petco parking lot at 3511 Salida Ct #40, Aurora, CO 80011. You must bring a carrier with you. You must either bring cash of the remaining balance or have paid in full before I will release the rats.
If you have any questions check out our FAQ.
Rat Adoption Application
Filling out this application is the first step to adopting new rats from Ratology Tales. Please send the application over messenger.
Do you understand when you purchase a rat from Ratology Tales, you agree the rats are a pet only, you will not breed rats purchased, you will provide medial care when needed, and Ratology Tales is not responsible for any care/finances/ after pick up? Do you understand that by purchasing rats you have read and agreed to my liability waiver?
Liability Waiver - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XbX_0sREi-Ulx6_wyn2g90CBy7vMNcqtp0U4pe5PkR0/edit?usp=sharing
Address (must include City, State and zipcode)
Phone Number
Are you over the age of 18?
Are you over the age of 21?
Are you adopting rats for yourself, as a family pet, or for someone else/as a present?
What is your housing situation? (Rent, own, live with parents/family)
How many people live in your home, and what are their ages?
Will the rats be a pet for a child?
What pets/animals are in your home? (Species, breed, age, sex, altered or unaltered?) Please note snake owners will NOT be denied
Do you have rat owning experience; if not what, if any, research have you done?
Age and genders of current pet rats if applicable
If you owned rats in the past, can you go into a little detail about what happened to them?
Current Vet; if no current vet, where do you plan on taking your rats for their first examination and if they become ill?
Why do you want a pet rat?
Do you understand all rats adopted from Ratology Tales are for pet purposes only, unless otherwise discussed with the owners/breeders of Ratology Tales? Do you agree to these conditions?
Would you prefer male or female rats? Why?
Do you have a specific variety you are looking for?
List in order of highest priority to least priority you preferences of color, ear type, eye color, fur type and pattern. I.e. Eye color is the most important to you so that goes first, then ear type, etc.
Tell me any rat type you are NOT looking for such as hairless, red or ruby eyes, standard ear, standard fur, etc.
What kind of cage do you have, or are you planning on getting?
What kind of bedding are you planning on using?
What kind of food are you planning on providing?
What kind of toys, and enrichment are you planning on using?
Do you agree to inform Ratology Tales of all major health and temperament concerns and when your rat passes away? This helps us to track the health and temperament of our rats so we only produce healthy, well tempered rats.
Do you have any questions or concerns about owning a pet rat, or adopting a rat from Ratology Tales?