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I pledge to be a good rat breeder.

I will not conform myself to a label or "group", and will not harass those whose methods are not identical to my own. I will not stereotype or discriminate against other breeders for their choice of breeding style. Working with other breeders and sharing ideas, information, and stock is the key to keeping the hobby successful and thriving.

I pledge to house my rats appropriately with consideration to what is best for my animals and myself, and not condemn those who use other methods; in regards to cages, racks, bins, and bedding type.

I pledge to be open to criticism, and offer a willingness to be open to learning in all aspects of this hobby. There is always room for improvement.

I will not attack or belittle anyone who is improperly caring for an animal/s. I will offer guidance before passing judgement, because everyone has to start somewhere and no one is perfect. That does not mean I will support the willful neglect of an animal.

I will use only humane methods of euthanizing to dispatch my animals, and will not allow my animals to suffer unnecessarily under any circumstances.

Above all else I will strive to produce rats that improve the species--in health, temperament, and conformation--because the improvement of the overall animal should be the main goal of the hobby.

I pledge this.

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